Akbar Ahmed is a former Pakistani diplomat, having served as Pakistan’s High Commissioner to UK. After retirement he joined academia, and is presently Professor of International Relations at the American University, School of International Service, Washington DC. He had earlier taught in Princeton University and has held several academic posts
Recently he sent me by email links of lectures he had given,
One was on the travels of Ibn Batuta, and another was on the golden age of Istam
I mailed this back to him :
The problem with you Akbar saheb is that you will speak on everything under the sun, but will never dare to speak these truths :
(1) India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are really one country, which share the same culture, and were one for 500 years since Mughal times
(2) Pakistan is a fake artificial country created by a British swindle in 1947 on the basis of the bogus two nation theory
(3)The main agents of the British in effecting Partition were the rascals Gandhi and Jinnah and some others like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal, Savarkar, and organizations like the RSS and the Muslim League
(4) The purpose of Partition was to ensure continuous hostility between Hindus and Muslims so that united India does not emerge as a modern industrial giant ( for which we have all the potential ), like another China, and the sales of foreign arms at heavy cost to us continues
Evidently this displeased him, for he wrote back :
Thank you Justice sahib. You are perfectly entitled to your opinions as I am to mine. We can agree to disagree. But I would like to point out that while I’m writing on one subject you are complaining why I didn’t mention another. As academics we are taught to focus on one theme. Best regds. Akbar
To which I responded :
Akbar saheb
The best way to avoid writing/talking on the most important topics of today is to divert attention by writing/talking on topics which are relevantly irrelevant today e. g. the golden age of Islam, or the travels of Ibn Batuta. This is precisely what you do
Justice Katju
He replied :
All these issues have been written by me extensively in my books and articles over the years. Pl read those before assuming I avoid the issues. But you are clearly in one of your bad moods so I will sign off. Best. Akbar
My response was :
You claim to have written many books and articles on the issues I mentioned. Have you ever mentioned in your articles that Pakistan is a fake, artificial country created by a British swindle on the basis of the bogus two nation theory, and that India Pakistan and Bangladesh are really one country sharing the same culture and were one for 500 years, and which are bound to reunite one day under a secular government ? No ? Then stop giving speeches, writing articles, and pretending you are a serious thinker
As yet Akbar Ahmed has not responded
The problem with you Akbar saheb is that you will speak everything under the sun, but will never dare to speak these truths :
(1) India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are really one country, which share the same culture, and were one for 500 years since Mughal times
(2) Pakistan is a fake artificial country created by a British swindle in 1947 on the basis of the bogus two nation theory
(3)The main agents of the British in effecting Partition were the rascals Gandhi and Jinnah and some others like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal, Savarkar, and organizations like the RSS and the Muslim League
(4) The purpose of Partition was to ensure continuous hostility between Hindus and Muslims so that united India does not emerge as a modern industrial giant ( for which we have all the potential ), like another China, and the sales of foreign arms at heavy cost to us continues
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Have you ever mentioned in your articles that Pakistan is a fake, artificial country created by a British swindle on the basis of the bogus two nation theory, and that India Pakistan and Bangladesh are really one country sharing the same culture and were one for 500 years, and which are bound to reunite one day under a secular government ?
No ? Then stop giving speeches, writing articles, and pretending you are a serious thinker
Justice Katju