Delhi Assembly election results are irrelevant
Everyone is focused on tomorrow’s results of the Delhi Assembly elections. Some predict that the Aam Admi Party will win again, others say the BJP will win comfortably.
My own opinion is that all this is irrelevant.
Whoever wins, it will make no substantial improvement in the lives of the people–massive poverty, massive unemployment, appalling level of child malnutrition, skyrocketing prices of food, lack of healthcare, etc will continue as before, or get worse.
One is reminded of Manthara’s statement to Queen Kaikeyi in the Ramcharitamanas :
” Koi nrip hoye hamein ka haani
Cheri chaand ki hoib rani “
” How does it matter to me who will be the king ?
Will I be anything but a slave ? “
People of India must realise the truth, that elections only result in change of leaders, who only seek power and pelf for themselves or their kith and kin on coming to power, but will not, and can not, do anything which radically improves the people’s lives.
It is only a mighty united protracted people’s struggle, led by genuinely patriotic, selfless, modern minded leaders, culminating in a historical people’s Revolution, and setting up of a political and social order in which the standard of living of the people steadily and rapidly rises, and they get decent lives that there will be a substantial transformation of India.
But that will require a Long March by the Indian people, which has not even begun
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Yes, Justice Markandey Katju is right. The plight of a common man will not change unless selfless and secular leaders get elected. At present they have become a rarest of rare commodity.