Arvind Kejriwal
There is an instructive story in Sanskrit called ” Punah mooshak bhav ” i.e. “Again become a mouse.”
The story is that a mouse was very harassed by a cat, and therefore the mouse approached a saint and requested him to make him a cat.
When the mouse became a cat, he was harassed by a dog, and so he requested the saint to make him a dog.Then when he became a dog, he was harassed by a tiger, and so on his request the saint made him a tiger.
But when he became a tiger, he stared at the saint, and when the saint asked him, “What do you want?” the tiger said, “I want to eat you.” Then the saint cursed him, and said ” Punah mooshak bhav ” , i.e. ” Again become a mouse.”

This story is squarely applicable to former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
I have written a detailed account of Kejriwal’s political career in the article below, so I am not repeating most of it.
Riding piggy back on Anna Hazare’s movement against corruption, Kejriwal formed his own political party, the Aam Admi Party, which professed it’s aim to be removing corruption from public life. But after he became Chief Minister of Delhi, Kejriwal become highly corrupt himself. Scam followed scam during his rule, the latest being the massive liquor scam.
On becoming CM, he declared that he will live a simple life in a simple house, but he soon built a massive Sheesh Mahal on 8 acres lant to live in at the cost of hundreds of crores of rupees, as if he were a Mughal Emperor
Similarly, he took repeated U turns, as outlined below.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DSwiQtRZw0eo&ved=2ahUKEwjPurWLiNOLAxXYIDQIHQLMDfsQwqsBegQIDBAG&usg=AOvVaw3yv4KTealuKi13uJoWnhzkKejriwal never had any scientific ideas, as I have explained in this video
In a public speech he declared ” Dilli ke maalik hum hain “, as if Delhi was the private property of someone. In the same speech he told Prime Minister Modi that in Modi’s lifetime Delhi will not belong to him ( as if he, Kejriwal, was an astrologer) but to Kejriwal
But in the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections AAP secured only 22 seats out of the total 70 seats in the House ( it had secured a massive 62 seats in the 2020 elections ), while the BJP secured 48.
Now Kejriwal will have to face criminal cases in connection with several corruption scams ( he is on bail in the liquor scam, having spent some time in jail ), as will several other AAP leaders, and they may have to spend many years in jail if convicted ( which in all probability they will be, as the evidence against them is massive ).
There is a shlok in Sanskrit :
” Jaanami Nagesh tava prabhaavam
Kanthasthitah garjasi Shankarasya
Sthaanam pradhanam na cha balam pradhanam
Dwarasthitah ko api na Singhah ? “
” O King of the Serpents, I know your powers
You are hissing at me only because you are on the neck of Lord Shiva
The position one occupies is important, not one’s strength
At one’s own door, who is not a Lion “
जानामि नागेश तव प्रभावम्
कण्ठस्थितः गर्जसि शंकरस्य
स्थानम् प्रधानम् न च बलम प्रधानम्
द्वारस्थितः कोअपि न सिंघः
Now that Kejriwal:s position ( his Chief Ministership ) is gone, he has again become a mooshak.