How Hard It Is to Be Acharya Prashant
A beacon of truth for a society plagued by superstitions, olden-day traditions, and an unwillingness to change, spiritual leader and philosopher Acharya Prashant is an ardent icon for the cause of rationality and advancement.
Standing between the realms of spirituality and practicality, he urges Indians to think through their vision for the religious, educational, environmental, and social credentials of their country. His candid critique of India’s flaws with his effort to inspire real change makes his journey both admirable and arduous.
Challenging the Roots of Tradition: The True Meaning of Religion
Acharya Prashant renders religion in its most pristine hue, again affirming the very fact that spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with blind adherence to rituals and traditions, but the birthright to understand and connect with the meaning of life.
He asks himself how Indians, one of the oldest civilizations and a treasure trove of the spiritual, can perpetuate practices that would make even progress slow down. “Religion should liberate, not bind,” he often declares.
His dream is to guide people along the way to a proper understanding of scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads before they are distorted by priests or vested interests from religious institutions. This made for him followers who desire enlightenment and critics who believe he is attacking the deep-rooted beliefs of their individuals.
Speaking Against Ill Customs: A Stand for Women’s Empowerment
Probably the most contentious and profound aspect of teaching by Acharya Prashant was his critique of the ways in which Indian society oppresses women under the garb of religion.
He claims that many religious practices have been manipulated to restrict women and make them conveniently ensconced as subordinates in societal life rather than letting them realize their potential as individuals.
For example, he condemns customs like dowry, heroism of motherhood at the cost of individuality of woman, and definition of female purity through marriage.
According to Acharya Prashant, real spirituality calls for equality between genders and forces women not to be bound by religious or social fetters. His courage has inspired many women but has made him an enemy of conservative sections of society.
The Coaching Mafia and the Death of Aspirations
Acharya Prashant never shies away from revealing the antics of what he calls “coaching mafia” in Indian education. Millions of young Indians are, he laments, pumping all their energy and creativity into preparing for government jobs at the cost of personal development and innovation.
“The Indian youth,” he says, “is trapped in a vicious cycle of preparation of exams that does not lead to real progress or satisfaction.”.
He draws attention to the huge gap that exists between India and even countries like the United States, where entrepreneurship is encouraged, and innovation is considered a positive value.
In this respect, Indian society itself births a culture of mediocrity, killing thousands of dreams in the process, while pursuing government jobs for their security and perks. The critique infuriates some deep in the system but resonates with many young Indians.
Blaming the Indian Mind: The Jugaad Culture and Superstition
One of his greatest criticisms of Acharya Prashant is the tendency of Indians to always look for jugaad – a short cut that works now but not necessarily can continue. He qualifies this as a smartly appearing characteristic but is actually a tremendous manifestation of another problem: inability to go through the time and efforts to establish strong systems.
This is taken to an extreme in his condemnation of the unscientific temperament found in India. He condemns the dependency on superstitions-the reliance on horoscopes, the request of daughters through horoscopes, and the obsession with marrying according to planetary positions.
“How can a nation progress,” he asks, “when it places blind faith over rational thought?” His forthrightness has antagonized many traditionalists but sparked very relevant debates into the need for scientific thinking.
Environmental concerns: Lessons from the West
Acharya Prashant finds glaring parallels between India and the West in their attitude towards nature. While Sweden, Germany, and Norway are even in the race to be seen as climate-friendly leaders, India stagnates.
He has strong words for the culture of freebies against promise and selectivity, saying politicians are elected on their promise to give freebies rather than address environmental issues at large.
He argues that the development aspiration of India often comes at the cost of natural resources. “We cannot claim any spiritual superiority if we cannot care for Earth,” he says, urging Indians to adopt sustainable practices.
His environmental activism has caused ripples at a global level but still lacks full endorsement back home where immediate economic concerns dominate ecological priorities.
Criticizing Cricket: Hard Truth to Indian Sports Fans
One of the most disputed statements by Acharya Prashant is his critique on cricket – the most favorite sport in the motherland. According to him, the craze for cricket has bred and suppressed other sports in this country, thereby also rendering India underwhelmingly weak at the Olympics.
While his opinions are much to the dismay of the cricketing fraternity, facts are on his side: India is a nation with more than 1.4 billion people and cannot win at the world stage due to an apparent lack of investment and interest in diverse sports.
It is this misplaced focus that, Acharya Prashant believes, is reflective of a much deeper societal malady: our inability to go beyond comfort zones.
If, he says, India channels its resources and attention to sports like athletics, swimming, and gymnastics, the country will immediately be a global powerhouse. And this is an unpopular view, to say the least-but undoubtedly true.
The Cost of Speaking The Truth
Acharya Prashant does not come in an easy package. His persistent sincerity has earned him a fair number of adversaries, including religious heads, political groups, and traditionalists. He keeps provoking reactions from people by questioning entrenched beliefs and criticizing societal norms.
Yet he does not flinch from his mission. Often he talks about how standing for truth is more of an act of courage than endurance. “To hold a mirror to society,” he says, “is to invite its wrath, but the mirror must not flinch.” Value Acharya Prashant: A Voice India Needs
In a world where most spiritual leaders take a soft approach to comfort their followers, Acharya Prashant comes as a breath of fresh air, taking the harder route—that is, asking people to grow. His teaching focuses on self-awareness, rationality, and the courage to break free from one’s conditioning. He thereby provides a bright roadmap for an enlightened, progressive, and sustainable future.
There is no vision to scold but a vision to inspire Indians to change, that has scientific thinking and lays environmental concerns above all, with excellence in every walk of life. Controversial as his techniques may appear, he could make India the actual land of modern and new India.
A Torchbearer for Modern India
It was a journey by Acharya Prashant who really shows the glory of truth and the strong will to challenge the status quo of society.
Bold critique of the vices of India, unconquerable commitment to guide people toward a better future has made him different and inimitable.
Not easy is this to be Acharya Prashant-the crushing of thousands of years of entrenched beliefs, offense in all corners and standing firm.
At the end of it all, though, lies a clear message: India will only rise to its potential by getting rid of these regressive practices and embracing progress, rationality, and sustainability.
Therefore, it is not just a matter of admiration that Acharya Prashant needs but also support from all who aspire for a brighter tomorrow for the nation.
Shastra Gyan to he nahi Isse. Bas apni hi fenk raha hai. Khud ka confusing Gyan dusron ko de ke unko confuse karta rehta hai.
Have you even read the first letter of the word ‘Shastra’.
Bcz if you would have read it .
You won’t have commented abt him.
Before commenting to anyone, just be knowledgeable enough
Exactly, This sucker will confuse others as well. If he tries to speak same type of things for Muslims, He will not be seen very next day!
कौन से शास्त्र ज्ञान की बात कर रहे हो, जो अंधविश्वास फैलाए, जो महिलाओं को पर्दा प्रथा, और घरों में बंद रखे। जो समाज को वर्गों में बांट दे। जो धर्म को विकृत रूप दे दे। इंसान बेहतर नहीं हुआ तो तुमने धर्म को समझा ही नहीं। धर्म है खुद को जानना। तुमने जिन्हें शास्त्र का दर्जा दे रखा है, वो शास्त्र नहीं हो सकते। जो ये सब प्रमोट करते हैं।
देश को ऊंचाई पर ले जाना है, तो इन सामाजिक बुराइयों से लड़ना पड़ेगा। ये लड़ाई कोई आज की नहीं है, साहब कबीर, संत रैदास, गुरुनानक साहिब, विवेकानंद, रामकृष्ण ने पहले ही लड़ी है। आचार्य प्रशांत उसी धारा को बढ़ाने में लगे हैं। जैसे विरोध उन महान लोगों का हुआ वैसे तुम आज भी कर रहे हो। तुम वहीं परंपरावादी, रूढ़िवादी लोग हो जो देश को आगे नहीं बढ़ाना चाहते।
He is taking regular and continuous sessions on Shrimad Bhagwad Gita (Shri Krishna), Astavakra Gita (sage Astavakra), Kathopnishad (Nachiketa and Yamraj), Shoonyata saptati (Acharya Nagarjuna), Tao Te Ching (Saint Lao Tzu), All major Saints like Sant Kabir sahab, Sant Meerabai, Baba Bulleshah, Baba Farid and many more. The list is too long to fit this comment section.
Have you even heard of these names? Go join his sessions to know more about Sanatan dharm before displaying your arrogance and foolishness here.
I Want to Understand the True way of Worship
Do not even listen to him, If you really want the true way of worship. He will destroy your worship.
Join Bhagwad Gita live sessions by Acharya Prashant. You can also search his videos “Worship by Acharya Prashant” on Youtube. You will get immense clarity on worship.
A Normal human life goes in fear and flattering, when a person come across blatant truth speaker like Acharya Prashant ji, it makes them to doubt and ponder on their life.
Acharya Prashant is doing stupendous job by telling the truth,which has logical sense. I think Indians ought to come out from superstition and religion unwanted restrictions.
Exactly, This sucker will confuse others as well. If he tries to speak same type of things for Muslims, He will not be seen very next day!
Acharya Prashant is the latest figure being peddled by foreign forces to confuse India and Indians. The idea is to confuse so there is never adherence and thus no unity in the community.
The one who is preaching and turning millions to Sanatan dharm is a foreign agent? How blurred and foggy your vision is. At least watch his free youtube videos to get some clarity. Btw what is unity? Watch this before u spew venom
कौन से शास्त्र ज्ञान की बात कर रहे हो, जो अंधविश्वास फैलाए, जो महिलाओं को पर्दा प्रथा, और घरों में बंद रखे। जो समाज को वर्गों में बांट दे। जो धर्म को विकृत रूप दे दे। इंसान बेहतर नहीं हुआ तो तुमने धर्म को समझा ही नहीं। धर्म है खुद को जानना। तुमने जिन्हें शास्त्र का दर्जा दे रखा है, वो शास्त्र नहीं हो सकते। जो ये सब प्रमोट करते हैं।
देश को ऊंचाई पर ले जाना है, तो इन सामाजिक बुराइयों से लड़ना पड़ेगा। ये लड़ाई कोई आज की नहीं है, साहब कबीर, संत रैदास, गुरुनानक साहिब, विवेकानंद, रामकृष्ण ने पहले ही लड़ी है। आचार्य प्रशांत उसी धारा को बढ़ाने में लगे हैं। जैसे विरोध उन महान लोगों का हुआ वैसे तुम आज भी कर रहे हो। तुम वहीं परंपरावादी, रूढ़िवादी लोग हो जो देश को आगे नहीं बढ़ाना चाहते।
He destroys everything that is false. Ego is false. And destroying the ego seems scary and not everyone’s Cup of tea. Hope you join his Bhagwad Gita sessions and find solace and peace in your life.