March 13, 2025

7 thoughts on “IIT Bubble is Bursting as Lower Placements in IIT Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur Raise Concerns.

  1. This entire education system has collapsed. There is no point in looking hole here and there. The educational institutions are being run as factories with faculties as labour. As a result the systems is not creating intellectuals or thinkers anymore, it’s creating only labours. This is a recipe for disaster which We are witnessing

    1. This seems, as I think, a biased post. It is a fact that there was a slowdown in market and it affected IITs as well along with other reputed institutions. Affection and a strong desire to be a part of IITs has not declined till date. This year, a record number of aspirants have registered for JEE Mains. IITs are unparalleled right now. It would have been nice if the author had presented the given data of placements by including one or two more equally reputed engineering institution in a comparative manner( year wise).

  2. Well the stats are for last year and I don’t know why it has been posted this year. This slow down was due to recession in us and placements were bad everywhere.
    This year it has reached to normal and the placements are pretty good.

  3. Why do we need so many engineering colleges? India needs skill building center. Handing over B.Tech degree to every tom dick and harry is not going to solve innovation problems.

  4. These are all wrong. The situation is worst. The number of core zobs are zero. Almost zero. Only 20 to 30% students apply to placement.

    This is peimarily because of two reason
    A. MBA people take away the bigger chunk of salary.
    B. There is no R&D culture in India

    I am 1990 IITM graduate civil. Not just civil, 90% students are no more practicing their own branch. In 25th Aniversary, none wentbto meet their own department.

    Supratic Gupta

  5. It seems IIT MADRAS is an exception. Let us learn from Madras IIT. May be it’s location and majority of south Indian students and faculty in the reason.

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