Manmohan Singh
By Justice Katju
Former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Slngh died on 26.12.2024 at the age of 92. He was Prime Minister from 2004 to 2014.
The Government of India has declared a 7 day mourning
Many people have praised him and have said he was a genius in economics, removing regulations and giving us free markets and foreign goods, but though these measures may have benefited the businessmen, how have they benefited the poor people who constitute 75% of our population ? In fact poverty, unemployment, price rise, child malnutrition have increased in India.
But I regard him as a shameless person, who was content in being a puppet of Sonia Gandhi, faithfully carrying out her orders, right or wrong, as long as he was formally ensconced in the chair of Prime Minister.
When the Congress Party led UPA alliance came to power after the 2004 parliamentary elections, Sonia Gandhi could have become the Prime Minister. But then a prominent BJP figure Sushma Swaraj threatened to shave her head, sleep on the floor and eat only ‘chana’ if a foreigner became PM of India
Consequently, Sonia Gandhi devised a clever scheme of installing a puppet Prime Minister while wielding real power herself by remote control. This puppet was Manmohan Singh, who would loyally do Sonia Gandhi’s bidding, right or wrong. I may give a few examples
1.To save the Congress led government in 2005 Manmohan Singh got the term of a corrupt AdditionalJudge of Madras High Court extended, though there was a report of the Central Intelligence Bureau stating that thr Judge was highly corrupt, and the Supreme Court Collegium had agreed with that report
2 When I met Manmohan Singh in his office in South Block, Delhi to tell him that the death sentence by the Supreme Court by a 2-1 majority against Devinderpal Singh Bhullar was wrong and gave my reasons, and said he should be pardoned, Manmohan Singh told me that he was not a free man, and was helpless in the matter. In other words he confessed to me indirectly that he was a mere puppet, the puppeteer being Sonia Gandhi. He was just a bulb, and the generator was at 10 Janapath ( the residence of Sonia Gandhi).
I related this in a function I addressed in Chandigarh
3. There was massive corruption when Manmohan Singh was Prime Minister, not of crores of rupees but of lacs of crores, e.g. in the CWG scam, the coalgate scam, the 2G scam, chopper scam, tatra truck scam, etc
It is believed that the bulk of this corruption money went to Sonia Gandhi’s secret accounts in Swiss banks and other secret havens.
As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh facilitated this loot by turning a Nelson’s eye to it. He could have stopped it, but then he would have lost his chair. So being totally devoid of any ethics, and being in great love with his chair, he simply turned a blind eye to it, or possibly took a share in the loot