At the recent UN Summit in New York, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech proposed a formula which was basically flawed. He spoke of ” One earth, one family, one future ”.
The truth is that there is not one but two earths in this world, (1) the earth of the developed countries ( i.e. North America, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and China ) and (2) the earth of the underdeveloped countries i.e. the countries of Asia ( except China and Japan ), Africa, and Latin America .
There is a secret, unwritten, strong rule among the developed countries ( which they will never openly speak about ), which is that underdeveloped countries must never be allowed to become developed, for in that case with their cheap labour they will destroy the industries of the developed countries ( as the latter will not be able to face the competition from industries of underdeveloped countries, which have cheap labour ), throwing tens of millions out of employment in the developed countries.
This has been explained in detail in the videos and articles below :
As explained therein, the developed countries will oppose tooth and nail the attempt of underdeveloped countries like India, which have cheap labour, becoming developed. And how do they do that ? They do it by making people of underdeveloped countries like India fight each other on the basis of religion, caste, language, race, etc.
Modi himself, with his RSS background, is an agent of the developed countries, as his whole politics is based on polarising Indian society, and inciting and spreading hatred between Hindus and Muslims ( to get the votes of the former, who constitute 80% of India’s population ), a policy which ensures that India remains embroiled in domestic conflict, and so remains backward and underdeveloped.
Unless underdeveloped countries like India become highly industrialised and modernised they can never escape from massive poverty, massive unemployment, appalling level of child malnutrition ( every second child in India is malnourished, according to Global Hunger Index, and the situation is getting worse ), skyrocketing prices of essential commodities like food, fuel and medicines, almost total lack of proper healthcare and good education for the masses, etc.
But for that, Indians must unite, rising above caste, religion, language and race, and launch a mighy people’s strugge and people’s revolution, something which developed countries, which are committed to their policy of ‘divide and rule’, will strongly oppose.
How can one talk of ” one earth, one family, and one future ” when some members of the family ( the richer members i.e. the developed countries ) are determined that the other, poorer and backward ones ( the underdeveloped countries ) remain poor and backward ?
I submit that Modi’s formula is fundamentally faulty, haywire, snafued, and has nothing to do with reality