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Modi's Magic: The Disappearing Act on Vaccine Certificates

In a twist worthy of a Bollywood plotline, the Union health ministry has pulled off a disappearing act that even magicians would envy! The latest stunt? Prime Minister Narendra Modi's image has vanished from the coveted CoWIN certificates, leaving citizens scratching their heads and the internet buzzing with memes faster than you can say "abracadabra!"


Aditya Sharma

5/5/20242 min read

In a twist worthy of a Bollywood plotline, the Union health ministry has pulled off a disappearing act that even magicians would envy! The latest stunt? Prime Minister Narendra Modi's image has vanished from the coveted CoWIN certificates, leaving citizens scratching their heads and the internet buzzing with memes faster than you can say "abracadabra!"

Picture this: you roll up your sleeve, ready to flaunt your Covid-19 vaccination status with pride, only to find Modi's smiling face missing from the certificate. Cue the confusion! But fear not, dear reader, for we're here to decode this magical mystery.

While Modi's motivational quote still graces the certificates, his photo has pulled a Houdini and disappeared into thin air. What sorcery is this, you ask? Well, it seems the Ministry has decided to play the ultimate vanishing act, especially with the Lok Sabha elections looming large on the horizon.

This isn't the first time Modi's photograph has gone incognito during election seasons. It's almost like a recurring cameo in a movie franchise! Is this the Ministry's way of saying, "Lights, camera, action - but no politics on our vaccination certificates, please"?

As the nation collectively raises an eyebrow and fires up the meme machines, speculation runs wild. Some suggest it's a symbolic move to depoliticize the vaccination process. Others suspect it's a cunning ploy in the game of electoral dynamics and party politics.

And let's not forget the timing! With discussions swirling around the safety of Covid-19 vaccines, especially the Covishield variant's tango with Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), the disappearing act of Modi's image adds an unexpected twist to the plot.

As political parties gear up for the grand election extravaganza, citizens are left in stitches, trying to decipher the Ministry's magical maneuver. Will Modi's photo make a triumphant comeback post-elections, like a hero returning for the sequel? Only time will tell!

In the meantime, grab your popcorn, folks, and enjoy the show. Because in the land of politics, even the most mundane tasks can turn into a blockbuster spectacle. And who knows, maybe next, we'll see politicians pulling rabbits out of hats or waving wands to cast spells on the opposition. After all, stranger things have happened in Indian politics!