imran khan
I drew considerable flak from supporters of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan for writing this article, after having earlier supported him for bravely fighting the fascist Pakistan army and for restoration of democracy.
One Pakistani tweeted :
” Sad to see that you proved to be a very small man, despite your past as a judge and all of life’s experience. Khan has larger balls than the size of your brains “
Another tweeted :
” I am 50 years younger than you, yet I’ve got you by your tiny balls. Proves it doesn’t take much to be a justice in India “
Yet another tweeted :
” You’re a lost case. Come live in Pakistan, and you’ll understand how brave Khan is who is at war with the world’s biggest mafia, with a million soldiers and atomic weapons “.
Many other tweets were too filthy, abusive and scurrilous to be repeated
A Pakistani lady sent me this whatsApp message :
” Salam Katju ji. I thought of writing a response to your observations about Imran Khan, thinking to clarify what people are so crazy about.
I don’t think realistic people would expect miracles from him but they know that he will at least take steps in the right direction. He can make mistakes as he has done before but his heart is in the right place. His biggest achievement is not going to come in the future but it has already happened. He has torn off the deceitful mask from the state of Pakistan .
Pakistan may not survive but at least Pakistanis will know the truth before the end. People value his truth and bravery “.
To which I sent this reply
” Please read my article again
As you will see from it, I stated at the very beginning that Imran Khan is far preferable to the fascist Pakistan army and the corrupt PMLN-PPP leaders.
When he came into politics in Pakistan in 1996 he stood for honesty, transparency, and accountability in public life.
However, after his party PTI suffered crushing defeats in earlier elections, he decided to compromise on his professed principles. In the 2018 parliamentary elections he gave PTI tickets to corrupt&shady ‘electables’, hobnobbed with religious extremists, & made an unholy Faustian deal with the Pakistan army.
He expelled Atif Mian, the internationally renowned economist from the Pakistan Economic Advisory Council, just because he was an Ahmadi.
After becoming PM he became dictatorial, sending many political opponents to jail and shutting down or harassing media houses which opposed him.
He said taking loans was slavery, but took it from IMF and Saudi Arabia. He encouraged printing money, which led to inflation.
When a no confidence motion was brought against him in the National Assembly, he did not allow a vote on it, but got it scuttled by the Dy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri.
He was always talking of Madina ki Riyaasat, to please reactionary elements. He said that denying education to girls was part of Afghan culture, which should be respected. He also made a stupid remark that rapes in Pakistan are because women are immodestly dressed.
To my mind, Imran Khan, though honest, is just a demagogue with nothing in his head. He has no inkling how to solve the basic socio-economic problems of Pakistan like massive poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, skyrocketing prices of food and other essential commodities, almost total lack of proper healthcare and good education for the masses, etc
Pakistanis are behaving like children following the Pied Piper of Hamelin “
Seems Katju couldn’t understand what he writing… Imran Khan is in prison and Kathy is talking about reforms.. should he give economy plan from the gaol?? Pathetic analysis