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Nepal's Demands for Monarchy Return and Hindu State

The situation in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, seems pretty intense and complicated. Some people are really upset and want to bring back the monarchy, which was stopped in 2008. They're also pushing to make Nepal a Hindu country again, like it used to be.


Aditya Sharma

5/10/20241 min read

The situation in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, seems pretty intense and complicated. Some people are really upset and want to bring back the monarchy, which was stopped in 2008. They're also pushing to make Nepal a Hindu country again, like it used to be.

These protesters, who call themselves different names like the Citizens’ Campaign, feel like the government hasn't kept its promises to make things better since the monarchy ended. They're frustrated and angry.

The protests got violent when some demonstrators tried to break through a police barrier. The police had to use batons, tear gas, and water cannons to control the situation. Sadly, some protesters got hurt in the clashes. There were also fights between the protesters and supporters of the Communist Party of Nepal.

The government didn't sit back. They put one of the protest leaders, Durga Prasai, under house arrest to stop more protests. But that didn't stop the supporters. They held big demonstrations, and many people got arrested, even those who weren't part of the protests.

The protests didn't stop there. They kept going for several days, and it looks like they'll continue for a while longer. The situation is still really tense, with both sides sticking to their views.

It's a tricky situation, and it's hard to say what will happen next. We need to keep an eye on it to see if things calm down or get worse.