Severance Season 2 will Have A Full Rebellion
Imagine a world where your work self, or “innie,” lives a separate life from your personal self, or “outie.” In Severance, this eerie reality is the very backbone of Lumon Industries’ operation.
The first season introduced us to the lives of severed employees such as Mark, Helly, and Irving, who began questioning their existence within the tightly controlled walls of Lumon. As the waiting period begins with fans holding their breath for Season 2, whispers abound in speculation: what if it is the tame “innies” that finally ignite a full-scale rebellion?
This would completely revamp the series, turning slow burn mystery into high stakes drama full of action, tension, and dramatic emotional moments. Let’s go through how this could be and what this could mean for the characters and themes of the series.
A Glitch Creates Activism
A technological glitch in Lumon’s severance system may well be one of the things that sparks the uprising. The company is proud of the complete separation of work and personal life, but what if a glitch starts merging the memories of innies and outies?
It would probably be confusing and frightening for the employees, but it might be the wake-up call, too.
This may well uncover for the innies the truth of their oppression, that they are not really separate beings but parts of their outies trapped in a vicious cycle of endless work.
Helly, who already rebelled in Season 1 with an attempt to escape, would become a key leader in rallying her colleagues against rising up against their corporate overlords.
Intentional Sabotage from Within
The rebellion can instead be brought about by internal subversion. Season 1 has already hinted at the existence of secret organizations within Lumon, such as the mysterious “reintegration” team that may be working against the company’s best interest.
This could be achieved by one of the insiders, such as Irving with all his growing suspicions or any new character that has appeared, sowing the seeds for the uprising.
This would bring many layers of intrigue to the plot, with the viewers questioning the motive of these saboteurs. Are they fighting for justice, or do they have their own agenda? The innies, at first pawns in this bigger game, might even use this opportunity to seize control of their destinies.
Outside Influences Break Through
Another possible scenario is that external forces break the hold of control over Lumon. Season 1 ended with Mark’s outie learning the truth about his innie’s life. What if other outies, horrified by what they find, start working to expose Lumon’s secrets?
That’s what an underground resistance movement might do-to infiltrate the company to give the innies the tools and information to fight back.
This would be a particularly compelling scenario because it blurs the line between innies and outies.
If these two identities start working together, it could challenge the very premise of severance and force both sides to confront the consequences of their choices.
Dramatic Moments in the Rebellion
If the innies declare war, then perhaps it will produce some of its most explosive moments to date. Such as the moment when innies break into Lumon’s system, broadcasting their plight into the outside world.
Or maybe a tense escape scene with employees scurrying through the meandering hallways of the company while security closes in.
The emotional stakes would be just as high. Characters like Dylan, with a family he’s never truly known, face heartbreaking choices. Should he stay to help his colleagues or risk everything to reunite with his loved ones?
Mark’s struggle with his innie and outie selves could reach its dramatic conclusion, especially in the case where he gets more information about his wife’s mysterious connection to Lumon.
Exploring Themes of Control, Power, and Identity
A revolt would surely serve to move the series further toward exploring its core themes: control, power, and identity. In controlling its workforce, Lumon acts as a stark metaphor for the corporate overreach and dissolution of the individual in today’s workplace.
By uprising against their oppressors, the innies would, in fact, be forcing the structures that define them into confrontation.
The question of identity would surely occupy center stage. Assuming the innies gain total awareness, would they separate themselves from their outies?
Or would they make a demand to exist in their own right?
And this will lead to tremendous philosophical conflicts, which make for superb debates and heart-wrenching character turns.
A Shocking Twist with Endless Possibility
It would be a quite bold move on the part of Severance for the full-scale rebellion. It would be a natural development of the story, but would shock viewers, and as such, it would be earned because of the seeds planted in Season 1.
The show could go in so many directions at this twist: it can be a dystopian thriller of escape or a psycho-exploration of the fractured identities.
It might bring along new elements and hidden dimensions of operation within Lumon. The severed departments or other departmental secrets within them have yet to come out: is Lumon part of a larger conspiracy?
Do the fans just keep going on and make the stories remain as catchy as that? Share your untold stories.
Like innies of Severance, there is every soul with a tale to be told. Has anyone at any point ever felt jailed within a system or been forced to hard work the reclaiming of identity? Share your untold stories with The Philox.
Email us: contact@thephilox.com. Who knows? Maybe that’s all it’d take to send someone running off to begin another revolution.
Season 2 of Severance is going to be a wild ride if innies rise up against Lumon. Malfunction or sabotage, it matters not; outside help would define the show’s new direction and give birth to memories that will linger. Only time will tell and fan speculation, but one thing is sure: the innies’ story has hardly just begun.
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