I have often said I am John the Baptist of India, not Jesus. Let me explain.
John the Baptist said of Jesus ” He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” ( Bible : New Testament : John : 1 : 27 ).
So also, I say to the Indian people ” I am not your leader, but only a herald of the giants who will come hereafter in India, and who will be your great leaders. I am only a pygmy before them, unworthy to untie their sandals ”.
It is true that presently these great leaders cannot be seen, but in the course of time they will inevitably appear.
Our present political leaders, of all parties, are a bunch of rogues, rascals, gundas, scoundrels, looters, deceivers, thugs, and mafia type criminals, who have no genuine love for the people but only seek power and pelf, for which they polarise society and incite caste and communal hatred, to get votes. They should have long ago been dealt with by the people the way King Louis 16 and the French aristocrats were dealt with during the French Revolution of 1789.
But I am confident that the situation in India will change. As the great Urdu poet Akbar Allahabadi wrote :
” Khabar deti hai tehreek-e-hawa tabdeel-e-mausam ki
Khilenge aur hi gul, zamzame bulbul ke kam honge
Badal jaayega meyaar-e-sharaafat chashm-e-duniya mein
Zyaada the jo apne zom mein woh sab se kam honge ”.
” The movement of the wind portends a change of the season
Soon other flowers will bloom, and the songs of the bulbul ( an Indian bird ) will be less
The test of decency will change in the eyes of the world
Those who were full of arrogance will have gone down”
History shows that when a nation is in a crisis or deep distress, as India is today, great leaders spontaneously emerge. This is because nature does not like a vacuum, and every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
In other words, in Hegelian language, a thesis is followed by an ant-thesis, and then a synthesis.
The thesis in India is our rotten society and customs, and our backwardness, most people having feudal mindsets, full of casteism and communalism, which our crooked, corrupt and selfish leaders, who have no genuine love for the country but only seek power and pelf, take advantage of, by polarising society and inciting hatred
The anti-thesis will be the coming mighty historical people’s struggle, led by patriotic, modern minded, selfless leaders, which will be protracted ( maybe lasting 10-15 years or more ), with many twists and turns, and in which tremendous sacrifices will have to be made.
The synthesis will be the culmination of this people’s struggle in a historical people’s revolution, which will set up a political and social order under which India rapidly industrialises and modernises, and our people’s standard of living keeps steadily rising.
For example, before, and during, the American War of Independence ( 1775-1781 ), great leaders emerged in America, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, etc. In the American Civil War ( 1861-65 ) The US Government was led by a great leader, Abraham Lincoln, who was almost unknown a few years before being elected President..
The British Revolutions of the 17th century saw great leaders, who were unknown earlier, like John Hampden, Pym, Oliver Cromwell, etc emerge from obscurity. The same happened in the great French Revolution of 1789, which saw the rise of the earlier unknown Robespierre, Marat, Danton, etc, and in the Russian Revolution of 1917 which saw Lenin emerge as leader of the nation.
So when people ask me where are the great leaders who will lead the mighty historical Indian people’s struggle and people’s revolution which I forecast, I give these examples.
What will be the qualities of these leaders ? I may mention a few :
(1) They will be totally selfless patriots, with the highest personal integriy, not seeking anything for themselves or their kith and kin, but only wanting India to be transformed as quickly as possible into a modern industrial giant, and our people having decent lives, and for this they will be willing to sacrifice their lives.
To give an example, Robespierre, the great French leader in the French Revolution of 1789 never benefited personally in any way by being one of the leaders of the Revolution. When he died he left behind him hardly any assets.
His secretary, Pierre Villiers, has written in his Memoirs ” Several times I have known him to refuse offers of money that required from him no return, not even thanks, and if sometimes I allowed myself to insist on his accepting, he abused me ” .
(2) They will be modern minded and totally secular, and determined to rapidly modernise and industrialise India. A good example is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk of Turkey, who saw his country being kicked around by European powers like England and France, as it was at that time feudal, backward and poor ( it was then called ‘The Sick Man of Europe’ ). So he staged a coup and overthrew the Sultan and Khalifa, and rapidly modernised Turkey, abolishing sharia, burqa and madarsas, and suppressing the religious clergy.
(3) To achieve their objective of transforming India from a backward to a highly developed country, they will be ruthless, eliminating all obstacles, including people who oppose this transformation. They will be knowing that this objective cannot be achieved without taking strong measures, and making tremendous sacrifices ( as there are powerful forces, internal and external, which will oppose such transformation tooth and nail ). So they will not flinch or hesitate in crushing them.
In Turkey under the Sultans and Khalifas, girls were not given education. After Mustafa Kemal seized power in 1921 he said to the Turkish people ” I will shoot those men who refuse to send their daughters to school ”.
Similar drastic steps will have to be taken if we wish India to be transformed into a modern industrial giant, which must be our goal if we wish to abolish the curse of massive poverty, massive unemployment, skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, appalling level of child malnutrition ( every second child in India is malnourished, accoding to Global Hunger Index ), almost total lack of poper healthcare and good education for the masses, etc