yashwant varma
By Justice Katju
A journalist I know contacted me just now and asked me to comment on the hot story of the day of a huge amount of unaccounted cash allegedly been found at the residence of Justice Yashwant Verma, Judge of the Delhi High Court, and the Supreme Court Collegium recommending his transfer.
I asked the journalist whether Justice Verma’s version was taken before the media started circulating this news, and did the SC Collegium take his version before recommending his transfer. He replied that he had no knowledge whether the Judge’s version was taken.
I said that the first principle of natural justice which I had been taught was audi alteram partem, i.e. hear both sides.
If Justice Verma’s version has not been taken by the media and the SC Collegium, I am sorry to say that they have both violated the above principle, for they have condemned a man unheard.
The media has called the amount seized as ‘unaccounted’ cash. But if they have not even taken Justice Verma’s version, how can they say it is unaccounted ? Some mediaperson is saying it is Rs 15 crore, another is saying Rs 50 crores, etc. But on what basis have they reached this figure ? No on knows. Evidently ‘presstitutes’ have a right to say anything they like.
The journalist said I should speak to Justice Verma. I said why should I speak to him ? It is you media people who should speak to him, since he has been condemned unheard by you, not by me
I am reminded of Lewis Carrol’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in which the Queen of Hearts would say ” Off with his head ” whenever any accused was brought before her. When someone asked what about holding a trial, she would say ” Off with his head first, trial afterwards ”