Political power must not be with the rich, as they will only use it for making more money
It must not be with the bulk of the middle classes, as they are only interested in having a comfortable life for themselves and their kith and kin, and care two hoots for the rest of the people.
It must also not be with the poor people, as they have no knowledge how to use such power to emancipate themselves from their miserable lives.
Then if power is not to be with the rich, nor the middle classes, nor the poor, with whom should it be ?
I submit it should be with the tiny section of the middle classes who have ‘declassed’ themselves, and identified themselves with the poor. In other words, it should be with the patriotic, self denying, modern minded middle class intellectuals who have done intense study of history and other subjects, and are determined to lead a mighty historical people’s struggle and people’s revolution to create a political and social order in which the standard of living of the people steadily rises, and people get decent lives.
Such patriotic individuals belong to the middle class, a class which ordinarily only cares for its own self comfort, or of its kith and kin. But there are a few in this class who ‘betray’ their class and go over to the side of the poor people. This is because, as Rousseau pointed out, human beings have not only reason but also emotions. Some middle class individuals are shocked at the injustice done to poor people, and their conscience impels them to help the poor. So they stop caring for their own comforts, and start helping the poor, even at the risk of their own lives.
It is these patriotic persons who should have political power, which they seek not for self aggrandizement but for uplifting the standard of living of the masses and giving them decent lives.
All modern Revolutions, the British, the American, the French, the Russian and the Chinese, were led by middle class intellectuals belonging to the middle class, who did not care for their own comforts or their lives.
The same will happen in India too, though it will take time.
Our national aim must be to transform India into a modern industrial giant, like another China, and it is only the people mentioned above who can provide the leadership for this.
Unless we make this transformation, we will remain condemned to massive poverty, massive unemployment, appalling level of child malnutrition ( every second child in India is malnourished, according to Global Hunger Index ), skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, almost total lack of proper healthcare and good education for the masses, lack of proper housing for tens of millions, etc