February 17, 2025

1 thought on “What is happening in Pakistan ?

  1. That is very well-explained. You rightly point out that none of the Pakistani journalists outrighly say that Pakistan is a U.S. colony and its army is in fact serving the US and not Pakistan. They fear for their lives and their families welfare because the army has descended into the deepest gutter while trying to obliterate Imran Khan, his party, his supporters and anyone who dares to speak the truth.

    It has been a systematic dismantling of laws, absolute disregard of human dignity and rights and extreme chaos as if a bull has entered a china shop. It has been a crash course in Pakistan’s actual history and reality for most Pakistanis ever since Khan’s regime change.

    Every puppet and ever puppet tee has been thoroughly exposed. It is crystal clear that the army has been in control since 1947. They have most likely facilitated the death of Jinnah, followed it by assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan, then made direct intervention in government, actively running smear campaigns against Fatima Jinnah culminating in rigging an election against her and her suspicions death which may have been an assassination. Every one knows the sham trial of ZA Bhutto followed by the vilest dictatorship of Zia. The army found a nice puppet in form of Nawaz Sharif who was handpicked by Zia to use as a political face for a government which would actually be run by them behind the scenes. The biggest praise Pakistanis have heard about Nawaz is “khata hai to lagata bhi to hai’, meaning if he indulges in corruption, he also lets you have some share in it. Benazir was a failure politically, most likely because she made a compromise keeping in mind the fate of her father and meeting Nawaz Sharif on his pitch, indulging in corruption for her political survival or revenge for her father’s execution, whatever the case may be.

    It was for the first time in the history of Pakistan that they truly got a leader in the shape of Imran Khan. Imran was not your run of the mill politician but a national icon was well loved and respected. He had earned a reputation of honesty and financial integrity from his cricketing days to his philanthropy. He had delivered a chain of charity cancer hospitals and a couple of universities with common citizens in his team of donors. This was a true demonstration of people having achieved something by the people, for the people and of the people. It was with strong foundation that Imran first got to form a provincial government in 2013 in KP province in north. The army rigged that elections to cut a lot of Imran’s party seats and give them to Nawaz to strengthen his rule. Contrary to their expectations, Imran delivered a success story in his province. People saw the change: pollution reduction in Peshawar, better roads, better school system, billion tree tsunami to control climate change and provide income to forest growers, de-politicizing the police and using IT to ease bureaucratic hurdles in governance. Hospitals were improved and the foundation was laid for providing free health care to people. These actions caused a spike in popularity which had not been seen before with a simple status of cricket legend. People took notice all over the country. At the same time the usual Zardari-sharif nexus was becoming extremely unpopular with their non-existent governance and rampant corruption and fascism.

    In the 2018 election, it became difficult for general Bajwa to install the usual puppets sharif or Zardari because Panama leaks and evident consequences of corruption for the public had sunk the boats of Nawaz and Zardari. They managed enough rigging to deny Imran his rightful majority government enabling the army to attach their puppets to Imran as coalition partners.

    The Pakistani who has the capacity to think critically was happy during Khan’s government as for once in our god-forsaken existence things seemed to be moving in a positive direction. The resistance against indulging in conflict with other countries, revival of textile industry, support for farmers, free health care for ordinary poor who got to have free surgeries on private hospitals, shelter homes for poor, environmentally friendly initiatives from recycling to tree planting to reducing urban sprawl and action against politically backed mafia groups in real estate and industry. Just as the people of Pakistan started realizing that it was possible in the country to get a piece of the cake rather than measly crumbs falling from the moths of army-sharif-Zardari-business class-feudal nexus, General Bajwa scrambled to put the people in their place in the depths of hell. To a Pakistani the collusion between the west and army was crystal clear. Big western countries towed the line of the US with all foreign media outlets joining hands to project Imran’s image as a backward extremist supporting taliban and as anti-west and anti-women. For the people who have seen Imran always in the news since 1970s, this whole propaganda was ridiculous. It may have been believable for the Americans. Cricket boards played their role snubbing Imran’s government by cancelling tours based on so called security threats, Pakistan is much more unsafe tiday and we do not hear a whimper from western media. They had labelled Imran as fascist where as today the country has seen unparalleled human right abuses without any comment from US and allies. Kidnapping of men, women and children and their torture and disappearances have become a norm. Every law is turned upside down and twisted inside out by chief justices.

    Every level of the administrative system has been thoroughly exposed. Before CIA’s regime change operation against Khan, their charge de affairs was seen actively garnering support for the change by meeting with defecting parliamentarians, chief justice Lahore high court, Nawaz, Zardari, General Bajwa and key opposition or coalition partners.

    Whatever the end may be of this fiasco, Imran will be a hero to ordinary Pakistanis and their villains are finally recognized after 77 years. While The ending of Palestinian state may be detectable from the shambles of infrastructure and explosions of bombs, Pakistan seems to be quietly fizzling out with the military and its criminal collaborators masquerading as politicians, judges, bureaucrats and journalists eating the country’s insides like an advanced stage cancer.

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